A Stack Machine

Now that WebAssembly is version 1 (the first and final official version!) more people are starting to take a look at it. One common point of confusion is how module validation works; in particular, how type-checking works. There are a number of things that need to be validated in a WebAssembly module, but we'll just focus on type-checking for this blog post.

The WebAssembly format is specified in terms of a typed stack machine, and any execution engine needs to validate the binary before it can execute it. So what is a stack machine? In essence, it operates on expressions by pushing and popping them from a virtual stack. Here's an example of how 3 + 4 could be converted to WebAssembly:

i32.const 3
i32.const 4

Each of these instructions modifies the stack, i32.const pushes a value on the stack, and i32.add pops two values off of the stack, adds them, and pushes the sum back on the stack. Each value on the stack has an associated type, i32, i64, f32, or f64. These represent 32-bit integers, 64-bit integers, 32-bit floats and 64-bit floats respectively.

In the following example, the diagram to the right of the instructions shows the stack after the instruction has executed:

instructions value stack
i32.const 3 i32:3
i32.const 4 i32:3i32:4
i32.add i32:7

Typing the Stack Machine

In the above example, the types all match, so everything is valid. i32.add expects two i32 values to be on the top of the stack, so if they aren't there, the module is invalid:

stack before result after i32.add
empty invalid, nothing on the stack
i32:0 invalid, only one i32 on the stack
i32:4f32:3.5 invalid, f32 on top of the stack

The examples so far have used a value stack, and that's how a WebAssembly interpreter would likely work. But in most cases we don't actually know the values on the stack when the module is being validated. For example:

get_local 0
get_local 1

Here, get_local is an instruction that gets a local variable's value and pushes it on the stack. It can also be used to get the value of a function parameter. In either case, we don't know what the value is that will be pushed on the stack. We do know what its type must be, though. So for validation, we actually use a type stack, not a value stack.

Let's look at a simple example of a full function:

(func $add_one (param i32) (result i32)
  get_local 0
  i32.const 1

We can calculate the type stack after each instruction like this:

instructions type stack
get_local 0 i32
i32.const 1 i32i32
i32.add i32

Notice that the stack has exactly one i32 value at the end of the function. This will become the return value of the function. This function is valid, and if you were to run it, it would increment its argument by one.

More instructions

Most WebAssembly instructions manipulate the stack in simple ways, like i32.add. They pop a few operands of a given type off the stack, and push a result. Here are some examples:

instruction stack signature description
f32.const f32 push a constant f32 value
i64.mul i64i64i64 multiply two i64 values
i32.popcnt i32i32 population count (number of 1 bits)
f32.sqrt f32f32 square root
i64.eqz i64i32 compare equal to zero (return 1 if operand is zero, 0 otherwise)
f64.lt f64f64i32 compare ordered and less than
i32.trunc_s/f32 f32i32 truncate a 32-bit float to a signed 32-bit integer

You can find the full list of instructions here.

Block and Br

WebAssembly, unlike most other similar formats, only has structured control flow. This means that there is no "goto" instruction. Instead, all control flow looks more like a normal imperative language, just without any of the fancy stuff.

A block is basically just a label wrapping a sequence of instructions. If you branch to the label, control flow transfers to the end of the block. All forward branches use a block and br, br_if or br_table instruction.

Here's an example demonstrating br, which does an unconditional branch.

block $exit
  br $exit   ;; branch to the "end" below
  nop        ;; this is never executed!
;; br above branches here

And here's an example demonstrating br_if, which pops an i32 off the stack and branches if the value is non-zero:

block $exit
  get_local $my_i32
  br_if $exit
  ;; This is executed if $my_i32 is zero,
  ;; then control falls through to below

This is equivalent to something like:

if ($my_i32 == 0) {

br_table is similar, but can have multiple branch locations. It works kind of like C's or JavaScript's switch statement. See the WebAssembly semantics doc for more info about it.


if is a convenient shorthand for behavior that can be accomplished with block, br and br_if. It works as you would expect:

get_local $my_i32
  ...  ;; Executed if $my_i32 is non-zero
  ...  ;; Executed if $my_i32 is zero

This is equivalent to:

block $exit
  block $true
    get_local $my_i32
    br_if $true
    ... ;; Executed if $my_i32 is zero
    br $exit
  ... ;; Executed if $my_i32 is non-zero

It's also legal to have an if without an else:

get_local $my_i32
  ...  ;; Executed if $my_i32 is non-zero

This is equivalent to:

block $exit
  get_local $my_i32
  i32.eqz   ;; Compare equal to zero; this is like "not"
  br_if $exit
  ...  ;; Executed if $my_i32 is non-zero

Note that an if is also a label. Branching to it transfers control flow to the end of the if block:

get_local $my_i32
if $exit
  br $exit  ;; Branch to the end of the if.


All backward branches must use a loop instruction. Unlike most languages, control flow does not automatically branch to the top of the loop, it must be done explicitly. This means that you can fall off the bottom of a loop, just like a block:

  ;; Control flows from here...
;; ... to here.

Here's a simple loop:

loop $continue
  get_local $not_done
  br_if $continue

This is equivalent to something like:

do {
} while($not_done != 0);

Stack diving

Another important point about block, loop and if: between the beginning and end of any of these constructs, the stack can never be smaller than the size at the start. This means that you don't need to know what's "below" the block on the stack to type-check it.

Here's an invalid example:

i32.const 1
i32.const 2
  i32.add  ;; Invalid, can't pop past the start of the block

Even though the stack contains two i32 values, i32.add can't pop through the block to access them.

Expression-based Control Flow

WebAssembly has expression-based control flow instructions, which means that a value can "flow" through with the control. If you know JavaScript or C, think of it as the difference between an if statement and the ?: operator. In those languages, an if statement does not return a value:

if (something) {
} else {

Whereas the ?: operator does return a value:

var value = which_one() ? this_one() : that_one();

In WebAssembly, you signify this with a type signature on the block, loop or if instruction:

get_local $my_i32
if i32
  i32.const 2
  i32.const 3
;; The stack contains either i32:2 or i32:3 at this point.
block i64
  i64.const 1
loop f32
  f32.const 1

Branches to a label must match the type signature of the label:

block $exit i32
  i32.const 5
  br $exit
;; The stack contains i32:5 here.

The following example is invalid, since there is a type mismatch between the br value and the block's type signature:

block $exit f32
  i32.const 5
  br $exit  ;; Invalid, top of stack must be f32.

loop is different, in that the type signature signifies the fallthrough type, not the branch type:

loop $continue i32
  get_local $my_i32
  br_if $continue  ;; Does not transfer a value with control flow.
  i32.const 1
;; Stack contains i32:1 here.

Type-checking Control Flow

The primary rule of type-checking control flow is that the contents of the stack must be consistent for all paths through the code. The br, br_if and br_table instructions help here, since they will automatically unwind the stack to the height it was when the block or if was entered:

instructions type stack
... ...
f32.const 1 ...f32
block $exit ...f32
i64.const 2 ...f32i64
i32.const 3 ...f32i64i32
br $exit *
end ...f32

The state of the stack between the br and the end is special, I'll talk about that below.

Control can flow out of a block two ways: via a br and falling through the bottom. The primary rule says that the stack must be consistent in both paths. If we modify the example above to use br_if instead of br, we have to manually "clean up" the stack before falling through the bottom for it to be valid:

instructions type stack
... ...
f32.const 1 ...f32
block $exit ...f32
i64.const 2 ...f32i64
i32.const 3 ...f32i64i32
br_if $exit ...f32i64
drop ...f32
end ...f32

drop is an instruction which drops the top value from the stack. It's useful in this case, but note that we could have also used a br after the br_if to clean up the stack for us automatically.

Control can flow out of an if block three ways: via a br, and by falling through the bottom of the true (non-zero) and false (zero) arms of the if. Again, each of these paths must have a consistent stack.

Here's an invalid example:

instructions type stack
... ...
get_local $my_i32 ...i32
if i32 ...
i32.const 2 ...i32
else ...
f32.const 3 ...f32
end ...???

It's not clear at the end of the if what the state of the stack is: if $my_i32 is non-zero, then the stack top is i32, if $my_i32 is zero, then the stack top is f32. The type-signature of the if tells us which is correct. It explicitly says that, at end, the stack must contain whatever was there before (...), plus an i32 on top. Since the false branch has an f32 on top, this example is invalid.

You can always look at the signature of a block, loop or if and determine how it will manipulate the stack, without looking at any of its contents. Some examples:

instruction stack signature
block i32 ... end i32
if f32 ... end f32
loop i64 ... end i64
block ... end

Unreachable code

Remember above when I said the state of the stack between a br and end is special? That's because it is unreachable code. Since it's not possible to actually execute the code at this point, we don't know what's on the stack.

So, for example:

block $exit
  br $exit

  ;; We know that this code is unreachable.
  ;; What is on the stack here?
  i32.const 1
  i32.const 2

In a way, it doesn't really matter, right? Since you can never execute this code, it doesn't matter what is on the stack. There was a lot of discussion about what to do in this case, but finally we decided to do what we called "full type-checking". This means that unreachable code is type-checked, but in a somewhat special way.

Because the stack could have anything on it, we say that it is "polymorphic". When we type-check unreachable code, we're trying to determine whether an initial type stack exists that would type-check if we were to start executing the unreachable code. Every instruction gives us clues as to what this stack must be. If we ever rule out all possible stacks, we've determined that the code is invalid.

This sounds complicated, but there's a trick to make it easy to do. In a way, the type-checking works exactly the same as it always had. The only difference is what happens when you pop from the polymorphic stack: you always get exactly what you wanted:

block $exit
  br $exit  ;; stack is polymorphic
  i32.add   ;; pop twice from the polymorphic stack
            ;; we wanted two i32s, and we got them!

This seems weird, right? How does the polymorphic stack "know" we want i32s? I find that it's easist to think of it as proving what must be on the stack for the code to type-check. Let's extract the unreachable code:


We know that i32.add pops two i32s and pushes their sum as an i32. So for this code to be valid, the stack must be: i32i32. Any other stack wouldn't be valid.

Let's take a look at another example:

i32.const 1

unreachable is a WebAssembly instruction that makes the stack polymorphic. This is because if unreachable is ever executed, the WebAssembly execution must "trap" and stop running code. This manifests as an exception when WebAssembly is embedded in a JavaScript environment. In any case, the instructions after an unreachable are never executed.

Here's what the stack looks like if we could execute this unreachable code (where * is the polymorphic stack):

instructions type stack
unreachable *
i32.const 1 *i32
i32.add *i32

When the i32.add is excuted, it pops the top value of the stack, which is an i32. Then it pops the next value, which is from the polymorphic stack. Since the polymorphic stack gives us whatever we want, we get an i32 here too. Finally, i32.add pushes the sum as a i32. We know now that the only valid concrete stack is i32. If we substitute this for the initial polymorphic stack, we can see why:

instructions type stack
initial stack i32
i32.const 1 i32i32
i32.add i32

Here's an example where type-checking unreachable code fails:

i32.const 1

This is invalid because the f32.mul expects two f32 operands, but the top of the stack has an i32.

Odds and Ends

There are a few other operators worth making a quick note about.

  • select: similar to if, but always evaluates both arms
  • return: returns from a function; stack is polymorphic afterward
  • call: calls a function; pops the parameters, pushes the result
  • call_indirect: calls a function by index; same as call w.r.t. type-checking


If you want to see how I implemented type-checking, take a look at wabt's type-checker. The spec interpreter has an implementation in OCaml as well, if you're curious.

Whew, this has been a long blog post, and I still didn't cover everything! If you have any questions, just ask me on twitter. If there are enough, I'll probably do a follow-up. Thanks for reading, and see you next time!